From Intuitive to Intentional Trainer
My Unexpected Gains from Joining Train the Trainer Program Let’s back up to where my trainer journey started…. I have had a pretty solid public speaking experience. I started giving…
My Unexpected Gains from Joining Train the Trainer Program Let’s back up to where my trainer journey started…. I have had a pretty solid public speaking experience. I started giving…
A question that comes up often among trainers and facilitators, including during the Train the Trainer courses, is: How can I deal (better) with “difficult participants”? For example, what to…
A Set of Guiding Questions for Workshop Facilitators Emotions are in the very core of learning. When there is no emotion, learning cannot happen. Emotion is what creates an imprint…
Do you remember last time when you felt inspired within a learning experience?How did that impact your learning? Here is what science has to say about inspiration in learning: 💫…
How often do you wonder how your learner’s emotion impacts what they actually learn, how well they remember it and how much will they use it after the workshop? Emotions…
Leveraging emotions for more impactful learning experience If you have ever worked as a trainer, facilitator or teacher, you know that feeling of joy when your participants are engaged in…
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