I have followed Mirna and her work for some time before the stars aligned and I joined Train the trainer program. From attending some webinars in the previous year, I already knew I liked Mirna´s structured, informative and engaging delivery. Train the trainer program did not fall short on those, and there were some. From the very beginning, we had all the necessary information, clarity over the process and what is expected of us. This meant we can enjoy the process with Mirna driving it. Each occasion entailed individual assignments that fitted the needs of the program but also our personal needs. The program is well-thought throw and it also allows Mirna additional flexibility to tailor some sessions more to the needs and interests of the specific group. Besides being very knowledgeable about the topics she delivers, Mirna is also always open to learn and hear feedback. I think that is a rare quality and it definitely sets a great example for all of us who are becoming trainers.I feel I gained a lot. I felt with each assignment I am stretching myself, just enough to feel growing pains but also to be confident I can do it. I was blessed with a great and supporting group of individuals from which I learned a lot as well. Great atmosphere and a great program with a lot of content shared with participants.
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